Hi all,
We are trying to organise a series of games that allow us to have more interaction and fun with some of the other sports section.
Date to be confirmed: 4 Mar 2005 , Friday
Venue to be confirmed: Warren
Sports to be played:
4.balut & darts
Players confirmed:
1. david ko: badminton, golf, bowling, darts, tennis
2. Yvonne: badminton, golf,
3. hock huat: badminton, golf, baluts, darts, bowling
4. Richard ling: tennis, badminton, golf, baluts, darts, bowling
5. Wong Cheng: golf, Badminton and bowling
6. Nitin: Badminton, darts and bowling (squash-if possible)
Please reply ASAP with the sports/games that you are keen to play.
More info: http://nussbadminton.blogspot.com/
Note: you would need to take a day leave/off to participate this fun event...
Hi HH... I don't know how to play balut :p I can do bowling or tennis if there are still not enough players though
:) david
Hi HH,
I can play golf, Batminton and bowling.
Nitin confirmed for Badminton, darts and bowling I suggest we could include squash if there are sufficient participants.
I'll do all... but sure got time or not?
richard ling
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