Tuesday, August 15, 2017

12th ICML 2017/2018: 1st Match: Jul 27: NUSS vs HVBP:

12th ICML 2017/2018 schedules

S/N Date Home Away
1 27-Jul NUSS HVBP
2 17-Aug CSC NUSS
3 7-Sep SSC NUSS
4 28-Sep NUSS BYE
5 12-Oct NUSS PBP
7 23-Nov NUSS SMBP
8 13-Jan Dinner


Thursday, May 04, 2017

Fwd: Closure of NUSS Multi-Purpose Hall on 15 to 18 May

Dear Badminton Section Member,

Please ignore the previous email that I have just sent.

We would like to inform Badminton Section that each Badminton Court will be close for one day for the maintenance of the floor mat. During this period, one badminton court will be close per day but the remaining 3 courts still can be used.

Please see below:

Usual Section Game
Tue: Court 3 & 4
Wed: Court 2, 3 & 4

During maintenance that week
Tue: Court 3 & 4
Wed: Court 1, 2 & 4

Please note that there is no change of badminton courts for Tuesday section night. Only Wednesday Section night, there are changes to the court usage. We would appreciate if you could pass the message around the section as some of them may not be checking their email regularly. At the same time, we would like to seek your understanding in this matter and apologise for any inconvenience/confusion caused.

Feel free to contact me if you have any queries.

Thank you and have a nice day ahead.

Best Regards

Gaby Leong | Sports & Events Executive | The National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) | 
Kent Ridge Guild House 9 Kent Ridge Drive Singapore 119241 | 
DID: (+65) 6586 3744| 
Fax: (+65) 6778 8095 | 
Web: http://www.nuss.org.sg/ Follow Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NUSSociety and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nussociety/

NOTE: This message may contain privileged/confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this email or have received this email erroneously, please delete it immediately and notify the sender.

On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 3:16 PM, Gaby Leong <gabyleong@nuss.org.sg> wrote:
Dear Badminton Section Member,

Greeting from NUSS! 

We would like to inform Badminton Section that the Badminton Court 1 to 4 will be close from 15 May to 18 May for the maintenance of the floor mat.
During this period, the Multi-Purpose Hall will be close and re-open on 19 May.

We would appreciate if you could pass the message around the section as some of them may not be checking their email regularly. At the same time, we would like to seek your understanding in this matter and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Feel free to contact me if you have any queries.

Thank you and have a nice day ahead.

Best Regards

Gaby Leong | Sports & Events Executive | The National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) | 
Kent Ridge Guild House 9 Kent Ridge Drive Singapore 119241 | 
DID: (+65) 6586 3744| 
Fax: (+65) 6778 8095 | 
Web: http://www.nuss.org.sg/ Follow Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NUSSociety and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nussociety/

NOTE: This message may contain privileged/confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this email or have received this email erroneously, please delete it immediately and notify the sender.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

NUSS Annual Inter-Section Games and Sports & Recreation Night 2017

Dear Badminton Section Members,

The Annual Inter-Section Games and Sports & Recreation Night 2017 are here once again! It will be held on Saturday, 22 April 2017! 🎆🎆🎆

Come join us for a fun fill day event and try out sports that you may not have played before. 

Represent your sports section and challenge other sections' sports members to any of the sports below.
​participation but prior ​registration is required. 

​Fun and Friendly sports games 
that w
​ill be played 
that day are:
  • Bowling, 9am at Superbowl Jurong🎳
  • Lunch12pm in Chill Lab, KRGH 🍽
  • Darts, 1pm at the Chill-Lab, KRGH 🎯
  • Table Tennis, 2pm at Multi Purpose Hall, KRGH 🏓
  • Badminton, 3:30pm at Multi Purpose Hall, KRGH 🏸
  • Balut, 5:00pm at Activity Room, KRGH 🎲
  • Tennis, 5:00pm at Tennis Court, KRGH 🎾

        After the whole day of sports, it is time to relax and get to know new friends from the other sections. 

        End your evening with a scrumptious buffet dinner🍴 with wine🍾, beer🍻 
         performances🎶 🎷👯

        Stand a chance to win 
        ​prizes in the ​
        lucky draw 🎁and dress-up to our 
        ​Hawaiian ​
        theme to win the best-dressed
         for the evening!

        Date:    22 April 2017 (Sat)
        Time:    7pm - 10pm (registration will start at 6:30pm)
        Venue:  Della and Seng Gee Guild Hall
        Theme: Hawaiian Night 🎋🏖
        Charge: $43 (inclusive of GST)

        Why wait? 
        ​Sign up now with
         our Section Convenor,
        Tony Ang
        and represent your section for any of the sporting events and dinner above. 
        ​Closing date is ​1
        2 April 2017

        Organising Committee
        Inter Section Games (ISG) and Sports and Recreation(S&R) Night Committee

        The National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) | Kent Ridge Guild House 9 Kent Ridge Drive Singapore 119241 | Fax: (+65) 6778 8095  |
        ​ ​
        Web: http://www.nuss.org.sg/ | 
        NOTE: This message may contain privileged/confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this email or have received this email erroneously, please delete it immediately and notify the sender.

        Sunday, March 05, 2017

        NUSS Badminton Close 2017 Results.....

        Champion: Chew Jian Dee
        2nd: Ng Yin Soon Adrian 

        MD (A)
        Champion: Mok Zhi RongChung Sew Meng
        2nd: Lee Chong Chai Franciss/ Wong Sing Nguong Jasong

        MD (B)
        Champion: Ang Soo Cheng/Wong Cheng
        2nd: Ng Mao Jin Ken/Wong Chee Seng

        Champion: Chew Jian DeLim Seh Kuan
        2nd: Ng Yin Soon Adrian/ Tan Soo Phing Eunice

        Ladies_M60 Doubles
        Champion: Ang Ah Hock TonyTeoh Soo Khean
        2nd: Wong Hin Yet KentTan Soo Phing Eunice

        Saturday, March 04, 2017


        Date: 4 March 2017, Saturday
        Time: 10am - 6pm
        Venue: KRGH MPH

        Register Online: https://goo.gl/Axksq5
        Download registrations form: https://goo.gl/OlIf6W 

        Thursday, March 02, 2017

        Information for NUSS Badminton Close 2017 on 4 Mar

        Dear Participants,

        Thank you for your participation in the upcoming NUSS Badminton Close 2017 this Saturday, 4 March 2017 from 10am onwards.

        Please refer to the attached fixture for your reference and information below.

        There are some rules and regulations for you to note:
        1. All participants to report 30 minutes before the first game.
        2. It is a @25 point game
        3. The Organiser reserved the right to amend and to interpret the terms and condition as they deem fit. In the event of any question or matter arising out of any point which has not been expressly provided for in any of the terms and condition of the draw, decision of the Organisers will be final.
        4. The information as published above is current at the time of print. The Organisers reserve the right to add, delete and/or vary the information at any time as they deem fit.
        I declare that I am the participant/parent(s)/guardian(s) of the applicant and give my full consent for my/his/her participation. While reasonable precautions will be taken, I will not hold NUSS, their appointed staff or officials responsible in any way for mishaps, injuries or loss of life or loss of or damage to any property however arising out of or in the course or connection with the above activities; and I shall indemnify NUSS, their appointed staff or officials from and against any actions, proceedings, liabilities, claims, damages, cost and expenses which may  be brought by or asserted against them by any person in connection with the same.

        Thank you and see you this Saturday!

        Best Regards

        Gaby Leong | Sports & Events Executive | The National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) | 
        Kent Ridge Guild House 9 Kent Ridge Drive Singapore 119241 | 
        DID: (+65) 6586 3744| 
        Fax: (+65) 6778 8095 | 
        Web: http://www.nuss.org.sg/ Follow Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NUSSociety and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nussociety/